... is going to the movies =)
... is eating lunch
... loves hanging out at the beach
... is going out tonight if anyone wants to join?
... Finally home, long day!
How many of you have friends that update their facebook or twitter status once every 5 minutes? There is always at least one in every sub circle in the vast 'family' that is facebook where everytime you log on to curiously check what notifications you have or what photos you've been tagged in, you find a new update from said person/s filling your live feed with what they have been doing every minute of the day.
Living in the web 2.0 age is almost encouraging people to live their lives through their status or in 140 characters or less.
Is there a sort of celebrity status involved with updating your status every few minutes? Does fame and fortune come from a few hundred friends knowing exactly where you are at a certain point in the day or that you're eating a sandwich for lunch?